Jim Rogers - Currency Wars:
October 07, 2010 - Global Currencies World Wide are being debased.
Nation states are debasing their currencies by printing money.
By printing money, the supply of money in the system increases.
More money in the system causes prices of important things you and I depend on in our every day life to INCREASE.
Our dollars buy less today than ever before. If you made 5 dollars in the 70s, you were paid MORE than you are today at 12 dollars.
Currency wars:
Keiser Report №79: Currency Wars Break Out
RussiaToday | September 21, 2010 - This week Max Keiser and co-host, Stacy Herbert, look at the scandals of Greenspan's 'gold warning;' currency wars breaking out; the Veterans Administration's verbal dealers with insurance brokers raking it in on dead soldiers and Carla Bruni's hopes for raking it in after her husband's (hopefully) one term. In the second half of the show, Max goes to New York to talk to Yves Smith of NakedCapitalism.com about her book, Econned, and about stability and instability in financial markets, structural imbalances,'bad equilibrium,' trillions in derivatives and Che Guevara with machine gun interfering with Potemkin companies.